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Really nice concept and sfx.

I did come across a bug though where a dog gets stuck in a detection-barking loop near a wall but it didn't bother me much.

Were you going for a 4 color palette by any chance? If not, it would be better to play around with the background colors a bit more.

Nice job overall!


I was, in fact, going for a 4 color palette, to keep it minimalistical and excuse my bad art skills! Hehe.
And yeah there's a few bugs that I discovered after the deadline that I'm currently fixing. I'll upload the bug-free version when the rating period ends!
In any way thanks a lot for playing and for your feedback! :)

The art is good. Just that it may have been better with animations.

A really cute game! I like the idea of the duck honking to help chase away the dogs when they're in pretty tight loops. I'm not quite sure I understood what the Lives meant since loosing all the ducklings resulted in a game over, but losing a duckling didn't deduct from the life counter. Great work!

(1 edit)

The idea is that you could finish the game without saving any duckling. In that case dogs will still attack you and you'll loose lives (if they only see you they go for you too, so u could still die but not your ducklings). Now that I think about it there's no reason for u to get a game over if u loose the only duckling that could be following you, since there could be more ahead, oops.

Anyway, thanks a lot for playing! :D